


snippetexpander-placeholders - placeholders that can be used in Snippet Expander abbreviation bodies


All placeholders are delimited (wrapped) by $$, with the placeholder name starting with an @ symbol.

For example, today's date can be inserted with $$@date$$.

Some placeholders allow for extra arguments when : follows their name and that is followed by the argument. For example a format for a date, or the abbreviation for a snippet. Check the following descriptions for each placeholder for more details.

To use $$ in your snippet body, escape the second $ with a backslash like so: $\$.


Quick Examples:

  • Today's date with system format: $$@date$$
  • Today's date with custom format: $$@date:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S$$
  • Tomorrow's date with system format: $$@date@+1D$$
  • Date 2 weeks from today with custom format: $$@date@+2W:%x$$
  • Time 3 hours from now: $$@time@+3H$$

@time is an alias for @date, with one important difference, the default output if no format specified is the default time format (%X) rather than default date format (%x).

The optional format specified after : can take a format string as detailed in the GLib.DateTime.format function's docs, see

The optional date calculation starts with an @ after the placeholder name, followed by a signed integer and unit. The unit types are as follows:

  • Y: Years
  • M: Months
  • W: Weeks
  • D: Days
  • h: Hours
  • m: Minutes
  • s: Seconds

You can apply more than one date calculation, for example +2h+30m adds 2 hours and 30 minutes to the current time.

You can use both positive (+) and negative calculations, for example -3D takes 3 days from the current date.


When $$@clipboard$$ is part of a snippet's body, when its abbreviation is expanded the current text contents of the clipboard will replace the placeholder.


You can have up to three levels of embedded snippets with the @snippet placeholder.

The abbreviation for the snippet to be embedded is entered after :, for example $$@snippet:sigg;$$ expands the snippet with abbreviation sigg; in place of the placeholder.


Adding $$@cursor$$ to a snippet's body will put the cursor in its place after expansion instead of at the end of the expanded text.

If $$@cursor$$ is entered more than once in a snippet's body or via snippet embedding, then the last occurrence of the cursor placeholder wins.

The @cursor placeholder does not work when using the shortcut to open the search and paste window rather than auto-expansion.


snippetexpander(1) snippetexpanderd(1) snippetexpanderx(1) snippetexpandergui(1)


Created and maintained by Ian Jones <>. Up-to-date sources can be found at Information on how to contribute and where bug reports and feature requests may be submitted can be found on the project page at